Between the end of the XIX century and the first two decades of the XX century an intense debate in astronomical field was trying to define the real nature and the distance of 'nebulae', fundamental to give a dimension to the enormity of the space.
In those same years many authors were resolving, through stereoscopic photography, to reproduce visually the sense of these immensities.
One of the most significant contribution in this endeavour is that of the astronomer Max Wolf, that in the work Stereoskopbilder von Sternhimmel gathered twenty-four tri-dimensional astronomic photos, of which well five regarding comets, three on Perrine in 1902 and two on Morehouse in 1908. The stereoscopic technique was the traditional one of the astronomical stereographs of that time: the shot of two different images in a lapse of time.
In the picture: the two publications by Max Wolf from which some images are taken.